Chittagong Division is located at southern part of the country has an area of 33771 sq. km and a population of 23.99. It has 11 districts and 38 municipalities. Chittagong is the biggest seaport and second largest town in Bangladesh situated near the Bay of Bengal. It is 264 km away east of Dhaka, famous for hill areas, natural beauty and for the seashore. Chittagong is also known of the town of Aulias (Muslim saints).Chittagong, the commercial capital of Bangladesh has been a port of supply for ships going to Java, Sri Lanka, Madras since the 6th Century. Islam spread from this port and Buddhism went to Burma. The Shrine of Sultan Bayazid Bostami, where a Muslim saint was enshrined, in the middle of 9th century, is famous for a pond full of huge turtles covered with soft shell, a unique species surviving in the world, which are believed to be a reincarnation of humans.

Chittagong City(Source: http://www.bangla2000.com/Bangladesh/Cities/chittagong.shtm &http://travel.discoverybangladesh.com/travel-outside-chittagong.html)
Chittagong is the port city with a population of 1,750,000 (1986 est.). It is the commercial and manufacturing center of Bangladesh. Situated on the Karnaphuli river some 19 km (12 mi) from its mouth at the Bay of Bengal, it is the chief port of the country. It provides an extensively developed port facilities for ocean steamers.
An ancient city, Chittagong passed from Tippera (Buddhist) dominance to Arakan (Hindu) and then Mogul (Muslim) rule, with periods of re-conquest and re-control. The Portuguese made inroads in the 16th century, and the British gained control in 1760.
Industries powered by a hydroelectric plant up the river, use the products of the area--jute, cotton, rice, tea, petroleum (from offshore installations), and bamboo. The bamboo is harvested chiefly from the Chittagong Hill tracts. 13,191 sq km (5,093 sq mi) of rugged, thickly forested land along the Bay of Bengalis inhabited by primitive mountain tribes.

Chittagong has a picturesque setting. Its green hills and forests, broad sandy beaches and fine cool climate always attract holiday makers. It combines the hum of a restless seaport with the pleasure of a charming hill-town with its undulating topography.It attracts tourists from around the world. It is surrounded by the bay, the river, and hills high up to 1,200 m (4,000 ft) from sea level. Rainfall averages 2,870 mm annually. Average annual temperature is 26 deg C (78 deg F).
Dr. Younus : Noble Peace Prize Winner: Founder of Grameen Bank and Micro Credit Theme in Economic Development

Ship Scrapping, A Big Economic Sector of this City
View of Port While The sun is going to set.

Please vote for Cox's Bazar : Cox's Bazar (Bengali: কক্স বাজার Kôksho Bajar or Kôks Bazar) is a town, a fishing port and district headquarter in Bangladesh. It is known for its wide sandy beach which is claimed to be the world's longest natural sandy sea beach.
Please Vote for Sundarban : The Sundarbans (Bengali: সুন্দরবন Shundorbôn) is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world.
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