Anthem Amar Shonar Bangla
My Bengal of gold, I love you
Forever your skies, your air set my heart in tune
as if it were a flute,
In Spring, Oh mother mine, the fragrance from
your mango-groves makes me wild with joy-
Ah, what a thrill!
In Autumn, Oh mother mine,
in the full-blossomed paddy fields,
I have seen spread all over - sweet smiles!
Ah, what a beauty, what shades, what an affection
and what a tenderness!
What a quilt have you spread at the feet of
banyan trees and along the banks of rivers!
Oh mother mine, words from your lips are like
Nectar to my ears!
Ah, what a thrill!
If sadness, Oh mother mine, casts a gloom on your face,
my eyes are filled with tears!
Animal Royal Bengal Tiger

Bird Oriental Magpie Robin

Fish Hilsa

Flower White Water Lily

Fruit Jackfruit

Sport Kabadi

Calendar Bengali calendar

* বৈশাখ Boishakh after the star, বিশাখা Bishakha (Librae)
* জ্যৈষ্ঠ Joishţho after the star, জ্যেষ্ঠ Jeshţho (Scorpius)
* আষাঢ় Ashaŗh after the star, অষাঢ়া Ôshaŗha (Sagittarii)
* শ্রাবণ Srabon after the star, শ্রাবণ Srabon (Aquilae)
* ভাদ্র Bhadro after the star, ভাদ্রপদা Bhadropôda (Pegasus and Andromeda)
* আশ্বিন Ashshin after the star, অশ্বিনী Ôshshini (Arietis)
* কার্তিক Kartik after the star, কৃত্তিকা Krittika (Pleiades)
* অগ্রহায়ন Ôgrohaeon after the star, অগ্রাইহন Agraihon
* পৌষ Poush after the star, পুশ্য Pushsho (Cancer)
* মাঘ Magh after the star মঘা Môgha (Regulus)
* ফাল্গুন Falgun after the star, ফাল্গুনী Falguni (Leonis and Denebola), and
* চৈত্র Choitro after the star, চিত্রা Chitra (Spica)
Please vote for Cox's Bazar : Cox's Bazar (Bengali: কক্স বাজার Kôksho Bajar or Kôks Bazar) is a town, a fishing port and district headquarter in Bangladesh. It is known for its wide sandy beach which is claimed to be the world's longest natural sandy sea beach.
Please Vote for Sundarban : The Sundarbans (Bengali: সুন্দরবন Shundorbôn) is the largest single block of tidal halophytic mangrove forest in the world.
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